


Lanz D8506 rear brakes

all the english stuff about Lanz Bulldog tractors

Lanz D8506 rear brakes

Beitragvon engine john » 20.03.2008, 17:04

I have just purchased an ex-Australian D8506. It has no rear brakes. Is it difficult to fit these? I have spoken to 2 firms that can sell me the parts. They say you need to adapt 9506 brakes to fit the 8506 axle?
Can anybody help please?

engine john
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 20.03.2008, 17:00
Wohnort: UK

Beitragvon ChristianK » 21.03.2008, 11:58

I'm not quite sure why they say that you need 9506 brakes? If you have parts from 8506 it should be no problem to fit them.
We also purchased a 8506 from Australia without brakes. We were lucky to find 8506 Brakes and we only had to make adapters for the brake shafts because they were a little bit too short. But it was not difficult to fit all the other parts.

Beiträge: 137
Registriert: 03.08.2007, 22:05
Wohnort: 33039 Nieheim

Beitragvon engine john » 25.03.2008, 18:40

Thanks Christian. I'll let you know how I get on and may ask for more advice at the time. The accelerator pedal is also missing from mine. Was it on your Bulldog? Again I know I can buy the pedal and linkage from a supplier.

engine john
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 20.03.2008, 17:00
Wohnort: UK

Beitragvon ChristianK » 27.03.2008, 15:36

Of course you can ask if you need more advice.
Our Bulldog was with hand brake and with accelerator pedal, but without foot brake and without any electrical device.

Beiträge: 137
Registriert: 03.08.2007, 22:05
Wohnort: 33039 Nieheim

Beitragvon Thomas Tisch » 27.03.2008, 17:14


the prewar Bulldogs to Australia generally didn´t have an accelerator pedal.
The d9506 don´t fit the 8506 without modifications. The axle housings of the 8506 are smaller thus the flange of the brake backing plate is drilled differently. Thus the 6 bolt holes need to be welded up and new holes need to be drilled. The big centre hole need a ring to be fitted. The shafts frm the backing plate to the axle housings and the cross shaft from left to right need to be altered. The brake drums of the 9506 are wider which is however no problem.


Thomas Tisch
Thomas Tisch
Beiträge: 449
Registriert: 10.02.2006, 11:25
Wohnort: Brisbane-Australien

Beitragvon engine john » 30.03.2008, 01:39


It sounds like you have done this job yourself? Why are there no sets of brakes available for the 8506 but you can buy 9506 brakes and modify them? The acelerator pedal appears simple enough. You need to allow the hand throttle to operate behind the foot pedal and the foot pedal then operates independently ahead of the hand throttle if that makes sense.

Also on the subject of export Bulldogs, why the different style exhaust?

engine john
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 20.03.2008, 17:00
Wohnort: UK

Beitragvon bulldogfan » 08.04.2008, 23:32


i'm assuming that your lanz has the exhaust typical for export which was called 'tropenauspuff', basically meaning 'exhaust for tropical climate'. it was different because the lanz hot bulb engines notoriously throw sparks out of the exhaust which can be problematic in hot and dry countries like australia (bushfires). to prevent that, lanz constructed this type of exhaust which had more meshes inside and a different shape.

Beiträge: 242
Registriert: 11.02.2007, 18:09
Wohnort: belgien

Beitragvon ChristianK » 09.04.2008, 09:04

I heard that the 8506 were often delivered without brakes. That's the reason why the 8506 brake sets are very seldom. We were lucky to find one.
Beiträge: 137
Registriert: 03.08.2007, 22:05
Wohnort: 33039 Nieheim

Beitragvon Thomas Tisch » 09.04.2008, 13:26

There used to be plenty of brake sets from URSUS and PAMPA tractors around. They fit straight onto the 45 and 55hp tractors (models P and S) without any modifications. However,they are scarce now too.
These brakes need to be modified to fit the 35hp (N-model) tractors, but.
The 45hp and quiete a number of 55hp tractors as well were supplied without brakes. All the postwar models, however, had footthrottle and high and low range gears.


Thomas Tisch
Beiträge: 449
Registriert: 10.02.2006, 11:25
Wohnort: Brisbane-Australien

Beitragvon engine john » 10.04.2008, 14:57

Thanks for all your help. I wonder if the "tropenauspuff" makes the exhaust note quieter? I am going to put a foot throtle on first and then brakes. I will have to buy the big brakes and adpat them as everyone says there is no chance of finding 8506 brakes. I will be out on the Lanz this weekend so I'll try and take a little video and put it on You Tube.

engine john
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 20.03.2008, 17:00
Wohnort: UK

Beitragvon patfinistere » 04.05.2008, 07:19

Did you get to taking a video?

Let us know the URL for it,

Best wishes
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: 29.07.2006, 07:03
Wohnort: Finistere France

Beitragvon aussiedog » 27.06.2008, 14:41

ChristianK hat geschrieben:I heard that the 8506 were often delivered without brakes. That's the reason why the 8506 brake sets are very seldom. We were lucky to find one.

Hi ChristianK,
hope you don't mind me asking but is your 8506 a pre war or post war and also what was the number? and do you have any photos of it you could share, thanks Colin :D :D
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 30.07.2007, 10:34
Wohnort: australia

Re: Lanz D8506 rear brakes

Beitragvon MarcLanz » 25.05.2020, 22:56

I also have a 85xx (1941) without brakes and without foot throttle. Mine was originally exported to the Netherlands.

A bit strange is that my 85xx has an unusual air-inlet for Europe, but similar to the ones on the Pampa Lanz. I have not yet seen another European Lanz with that air-inlet originally fitted.

Does anybody have an idea why it is divergent?

I still have not been able to identify if it is a 8500 or 8506. Originally the tractor come on iron wheels, but it has 6 gears. I doubt the farmer converted to 6 gears in the 50ies or 60ies. I don't know if it was common to do that back than?
:fahrer: D8506 un D6016
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Registriert: 24.05.2020, 10:55
Wohnort: Eindhoven

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