


Lanz HRK - question of color

all the english stuff about Lanz Bulldog tractors

Lanz HRK - question of color

Beitragvon Ludovic » 16.08.2017, 16:45


I'm a french collector and I begin the restoration of a HRK Lanz Bulldog, D1560 or 1561.
I don't know his serial number : no number on the two sides of the crankshaft, on the piston, no plate and on the bulb, it is a serial number of a wheel tractor (633943).
But one thing is very strange : the color of the tractor. On the several places where the paint is still visible, this paint is red and not grey.
Do you have any explaination ? Thank you in advance for your answer.
below, pictures of the paint :


Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 16.08.2017, 16:24

Re: Lanz HRK - question of color

Beitragvon Thomas Tisch » 16.08.2017, 17:44

as from a certain date during the war years the LANZ tractors were painted and despatched in red prime coat only. Due to war related paint shortages. Whether the ones supplied to the armed Forces were painted differently I do not know. Other Motor vehicles like VW Kübel or Schwimmwagen were all painted in sand colour and did get their Camouflage paint in the army unit they were delivered to.
The son of a LANZ dealer in Northern Germany told me that those lucky enough to get a new Bulldog during the war years did get a voucher of sorts for a free paint Job once the paint supply had improved. His father did employ a painter for a few months after the war to paint These red Bulldogs in the district.
I do have a 1944 Crawler in red and have seen the remains of a wreck that was red also.
Thomas Tisch
Thomas Tisch
Beiträge: 451
Registriert: 10.02.2006, 11:25
Wohnort: Brisbane-Australien

Re: Lanz HRK - question of color

Beitragvon Ludovic » 16.08.2017, 18:35

Thank you for your answer Thomas.
Are there tractors restored with this color ? I think it could be interested to have an example as out of factory.
Do you have the RAL of this red ?
Concerning the serial number, is there another place to find it on the tractor ?
Best regards
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 16.08.2017, 16:24

Re: Lanz HRK - question of color

Beitragvon Thomas Tisch » 16.08.2017, 20:44

sorry I can´t help you with the paint specifications. Mine has been repainted already. I guess it would have been what is called red oxide in English and Bleimenninge in German. That is illegal in Germany in the meantime because of the lead Content. But if you have Connections to Eastern Countries you may still get it there.
As for the Serial number the only other place to look at would be the crankcase. The machined surface underneath the reed valve holder. However, although the earlier tractors had the number there, I am not sure if the metric ones still have it.
Thomas Tisch
Thomas Tisch
Beiträge: 451
Registriert: 10.02.2006, 11:25
Wohnort: Brisbane-Australien

Re: Lanz HRK - question of color

Beitragvon Ludovic » 17.08.2017, 12:23

Hello Thomas,

thank you for your help.
Unfortunately, there is no serial number where you said. So, this crawler will remain unknown.
Best regards.
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 16.08.2017, 16:24

Re: Lanz HRK - question of color

Beitragvon Rohoelzuender » 18.08.2017, 10:32


Lanz Bulldog were still produced in red color until 1947. But not only in this color. There were two different kind of colors after 1945 until 1947.

I am not sure if the dark red color of the Lanz Bulldog after the war was the coating as we know it. The coating itself normaly was more kind of orange style that time. It could be possible that Lanz or the producer of the color mixed some stuff in it so it worked as a coating.

Regards Gordon
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