


New international English board finished !

all the english stuff about Lanz Bulldog tractors

New international English board finished !

Beitragvon SvenS » 27.02.2006, 11:15

Hey folks,

Yesterday I finished this new discussion group for all of you, who don't understand German as well as I do. I hope our German users will help the English users with their problems and take part in the english discussions as well as they do in the german ones.

The old group can still be found here:

http://www.forumromanum.de/member/forum ... ser_221200

But please use our new one !

Thanks a lot and have fun !

Beiträge: 259
Registriert: 09.02.2006, 17:30
Wohnort: Aachen

Beitragvon gilles » 20.12.2007, 12:43

From France:
It's à good idea because it's very difficult to have technical informations about lanz !
... and even with googel traduction german it's difficult too understand !

I just hope that german speaken people will come and read this discussion group to help us !
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 19.12.2007, 20:58
Wohnort: 29-France

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