


Lanz woking up like Frankenstein's monster

all the english stuff about Lanz Bulldog tractors

Lanz woking up like Frankenstein's monster

Beitragvon Darek » 06.02.2013, 23:17

Dear All,

I would like to encourage you to see my YouTube clip showing a Lanz Bulldog D 9506 starting for the first in forty years. It was really spooky, and the old giant tractor woke up like Frankenstein's monster. Thanks to the very low temperature, below -10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit), the monstrous oldie filled the old workshop with easy visible smoke, steam, sparks and flames:


Best regards,
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Registriert: 01.08.2009, 17:58
Wohnort: Breslau

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