



all the english stuff about Lanz Bulldog tractors


Beitragvon aussiedog » 25.06.2008, 11:02

Hello to all,
i have a D8506 no 141443 i think its a 1936-7 model Lanz that i am restoring, i have been told and seen the pictures of a similar model two numbers greater that would have been delieverd to Australia on the same shipment that has the following early heavy plate clutch, front gaurds, complete lighting system, rear foot brakes and very strange front wheels that are fully cast and have the valve on the inside of the wheel also the head seems to be one of the early ones with the spark plug at the front, i don't have the early plate clutch on mine as it was maybe changed to the post war light one for some reason also i don't have the front gaurds and brakets[ but there is provision for them] the head on mine seems to be a later style one with spark plug in the side and cast grooves on either side at the top and i also don't have the same front wheels, i would be interested in converting it back to as original condition as possible if i could get the correct bits, how can i be sure of what was really delieved on this tractor when new any help would be very welcome indeed, many thanks Colin :D :D
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 30.07.2007, 10:34
Wohnort: australia

Beitragvon Thomas Tisch » 25.06.2008, 14:26

Hello Colin,

your head is a postwar head.
Generally the Bulldogs were imported to Australia without wheels (except for the steel wheels). The wheels then fitted in Australia varied from state to state and there are a lot of different patterns around. If you have reasonably looking wheels I would not get overly excited about that.
The heavy plate clutch is hard to get. Not only in Australia. Your clutch is obviously post war and in my opinion better that the big plate clutch.
If you have any further queries call me on 0732835237


Thomas Tisch
Thomas Tisch
Beiträge: 449
Registriert: 10.02.2006, 11:25
Wohnort: Brisbane-Australien

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