


Engine and Gearbox Oil

all the english stuff about Lanz Bulldog tractors

Engine and Gearbox Oil

Beitragvon engine john » 25.03.2008, 18:38

What grade oil should I use in the engine and gearbox of my 8506?

I was thinking of using a classic straight 40 for the engine and classic ep140 for the gearbox. Does this sound ok?

engine john
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 20.03.2008, 17:00
Wohnort: UK

Beitragvon bulldogfan » 25.03.2008, 19:46

i use non synthetic 15 w 40 for the engine. not sure about the gearbox oil, have to check, but i am sure that it's nothing fancy. does your lanz have a 3 speed or 6 speed gearbox? i thought that anything ..06 should indicate 6 speeds, brakes, and accelerator pedal. but then it's possible that someone took those off. i heard that fitting the 9506 brakes is a bit of a hassle due to the driveshafts being bigger in diameter. you will have to modify the brake backing plates.
Beiträge: 242
Registriert: 11.02.2007, 18:09
Wohnort: belgien

Beitragvon engine john » 25.03.2008, 20:12

I was thinking of using a classic oil to avoid the additives attacking the white and yellow metal in the engine.

Andy Watson of the UK Lanz Register thinks my Bulldog is probably an 8500 that had a Lanz factory 6 gear upgrade fitted which was fairly common for Australian Bulldogs. This explains the lack of rear brakes. I'm not sure about the accelerator pedal. The bedplate is drilled to take the pedal. It also has Lanz rear wheels but the front look like the centres may be off steel lanz wheels cut and welded to non-lanz wheels. It runs and drives well though which is the most important thing. It starts very easily and straight onto idle. I spoke to Coen Kuipers and he said that he has the adaptors for the 9506 brakes. Apparently 8506 brakes are very hard to find.

engine john
Beiträge: 20
Registriert: 20.03.2008, 17:00
Wohnort: UK

Beitragvon Theo S. » 25.03.2008, 20:51

You can use a common SAE 80 or SAE 90 gearbox oil.
Theo S.
Beiträge: 269
Registriert: 09.02.2006, 17:18
Wohnort: 41844 Wegberg

Engine Oil

Beitragvon patfinistere » 04.05.2008, 07:01

I have debated for some time now on engine oil for our lanzs, 5506, Percheron, 2816, 2416 and SFV.

They are all two stroke engines of course, some hot bulb, some straight low pressure diesel. The oiling is total waste (mainly), that is it is burnt after passing through the cylinder.

There is a famous two stroke diesel engine maker called DETROIT, they specify a special oil that is non ash specific for two stroke diesel engines.

I obtained this special oil from IGOL (other makers produce it also) listed as "2 stroke diesel oil" with a mention for detroit engines.

I have been using this oil now for a couple of years and find it extremely good. There is very little oil coming out of the exhaust to cover face and torso with gentle little black spots that Noëlle has difficulty in getting out!, it doesn't seem to fill everything with carbon, it makes a nice smoke when pulling and that smoke smells quite pleasant.

All in all I would recommend all two stroke diesel users to try this oil out, I believe that it would please Mr Lanz very much,

Best wishes
Beiträge: 42
Registriert: 29.07.2006, 07:03
Wohnort: Finistere France

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