von patfinistere » 04.05.2008, 07:01
I have debated for some time now on engine oil for our lanzs, 5506, Percheron, 2816, 2416 and SFV.
They are all two stroke engines of course, some hot bulb, some straight low pressure diesel. The oiling is total waste (mainly), that is it is burnt after passing through the cylinder.
There is a famous two stroke diesel engine maker called DETROIT, they specify a special oil that is non ash specific for two stroke diesel engines.
I obtained this special oil from IGOL (other makers produce it also) listed as "2 stroke diesel oil" with a mention for detroit engines.
I have been using this oil now for a couple of years and find it extremely good. There is very little oil coming out of the exhaust to cover face and torso with gentle little black spots that Noëlle has difficulty in getting out!, it doesn't seem to fill everything with carbon, it makes a nice smoke when pulling and that smoke smells quite pleasant.
All in all I would recommend all two stroke diesel users to try this oil out, I believe that it would please Mr Lanz very much,
Best wishes